More drive than ever

We redefine standards – successful start of the new generation of hardware from sebnitzer
The basic rules of good cooperation also include regularly informing the business partner about upcoming changes.
For this reason we would like to inform you today that we are changing our hardware manufacturer in the field of PVC windows.
The Siegenia company has been a manufacturer of window and door hardware for wood and PVC for many years and offers a wide range of solutions for window construction, which makes windows and doors unique and valuable. A wide variety of design options, first-class products and ongoing change processes offer holistic solutions at the highest level.
At a joint breakfast with partners from sebniterz fensterbau GmbH, the possibilities, advantages and special features of the new hardware were presented. Experts discussed the efficient adjustment and maintenance of the new generation of hardware at sebnitzer. At the same time, the colleagues took the opportunity to discuss all questions and topics at the “Lunch & Learn” events.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank SIEGENIA for their active support and look forward to future challenges.